24 March, 2011

DIY Baby Mobiles!!

I mentioned in an earlier post that Brian's sister is having a baby. Well, I am currently making her a mobile for the baby's room. There will be pictures later, but for now I thought I would share with you some awesome ones that I have found!

14 March, 2011

favorite collages

You can understand a lot about a person through their decorating. The photos below are all frame collages that people have put together, but they are all very different and were all created by very different people. 

fame collage no. 1

frame collage no. 2

frame collage no. 3

fame collage no. 4

frame collage no. 5

13 March, 2011

the TO-DO LIST collage of frames

A great way to fill up wall space is to create a collage of frames. For most people this is a simple task, of course I turned it into a much longer process than necessary. After contemplating many different arrangements, painting the frames 3 different times, and nailing holes in two different walls, they are finally done!

The winning arrangement! 

Along the way I turned them into a utilitarian collage of frames. This is a great way to hang grocery lists, bills, flyers, and anything else you might need to keep but don't know where to put!

09 March, 2011

Home Sweet Apartment..

One of the newest creations my roommate and I made : )

07 March, 2011

shouldn't be doing this..

The reason for this title is because I should be studying for a History of Furniture test that I have tomorrow morning. I haven't posted in so long, and of course the one time when I really shouldn't post I can't wait to!! So.. I decided I would give myself a little break to write a post and get it out of my system so I can focus again!

I have so many projects that I have done around the apt. and at school that I need to share with you, but to keep this quick I thought I would share some pics from the past couple months to catch you up with my life!

Brian's late Birthday Celebration at The Melting Pot... 

Dinner with friends.. 

V-Day/ Anti V-Day Party.. 

V-Day flowers from Brian : )

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