For the past couple of years I have been dying to go to IKEA. Everyone would always tell me how amazing it is, and I wanted to see for myself if it is all that everyone said it was. Well, a few weeks ago I finally got to go!! It was a very spur of the moment trip. It was around 3 o'clock on Friday when Brian made the suggestion that we go, and we were on the road by 6:30 the next morning. We went to the one in Cincinnati, Ohio. Here is how our day went...
6:30-12:00: Driving
12:00- 1:00: Walked into IKEA for the first time!!
We only made it around half of the top floor in this time. Somehow Brian knew that it would be better if we looked around for a little bit and then left and came back. He is very smart, because I was so overwhelmed and excited I could hardly function.
1:00-2:00: Ate at Red Robin and made a game plan
2:00-6:30: Went back to IKEA and decided I would be fine living there
We were a little tired.. but SOOO EXCITED!!!

I put my hair back, I had to have no distractions. I was ready to shop!!

Here's Brian putting his ipod cord up his shirt, he thought it would be more enjoyable if he added a soundtrack to the shopping. He got into a few songs and gave the people around us a soundtrack as well. haha

LOVED this pillow.. only $10.

Molly- There was this one little book section in the midst of everything else, and we decided this would have been your favorite part. lol

I got these little wicker place mats.

I would say it was a pretty successful trip!!
We got everything we didn't know we needed. : )

I promise we will be back IKEA. Miss you already!